From Lucknow to Europe: The Dasheri Mango’s Sweet Journey!

Get ready for a taste bud tantalizer! For the first time ever, farmers from the IRADA FPC in Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh, are sending their prized Dasheri mangoes on a delicious adventure all the way to Europe!

This exciting journey is being made possible by NextOn, a leading Indian exporter of fruits and vegetables, and facilitated by the Indo-German AMD Project.

The King of Fruits Takes Flight!

Dasheri mangoes, known for their perfectly balanced sweetness and tartness, are a true Indian summer delight. Now, thanks to the tireless efforts of our dedicated farmers, European friends will get a chance to experience this tropical treasure.

Making the Dream a Reality

This first shipment of Dasheri mangoes is a significant milestone. It showcases the incredible potential of Indian agriculture to reach a global audience. The Indo-German AMD Project has played a crucial role in making this dream a reality by providing the necessary support and infrastructure.

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Next Stop: Europe!

Imagine the excitement as these mangoes, carefully selected and packed, embark on their journey across continents. NextOn, a trusted exporter, will ensure they reach their destination in pristine condition, ready to burst with flavor on European dinner tables.

A Sweet Success Story

This story is more than just about mangoes; it’s about the success of Indian agriculture. The IRADA FPC’s farmers are paving the way for others, demonstrating the potential for Indian produce to compete on the international stage. This is a win not just for our farmers, but for the entire Indian agricultural sector.

A Taste of India in Europe

With this first shipment, a little piece of India is headed to Europe. The sweet aroma and delightful taste of Dasheri mangoes will surely create a new wave of fans and open doors for even more Indian fruits to find their way onto European shelves.

Get Ready to Celebrate!

This is a moment to celebrate the hard work and dedication of our farmers, the expertise of Indian exporters, and the collaborative efforts that make such achievements possible. So, let’s raise a metaphorical glass (or, perhaps, a bowl of mango pulp!) to the exciting journey of Dasheri mangoes to Europe!


1.What are Dasheri mangoes?

Dasheri mangoes are a prized Indian variety known for their perfectly balanced sweetness and tartness. They have a smooth, almost fiberless flesh and a delightful aroma.

2.Why is this shipment significant?

This is the first time ever that Dasheri mangoes from IRADA FPC in Lucknow are being exported to Europe. It signifies the growing potential of Indian agriculture to reach a global market.

3.Who is NextOn?

NextOn is a leading Indian exporter of fruits and vegetables. They are responsible for ensuring the mangoes reach Europe in the best condition.

4.What role did the Indo-German AMD Project play?

The Indo-German AMD Project provided the necessary support and infrastructure to make this export possible.

5.Will Dasheri mangoes be readily available in Europe?

This initial shipment is a pilot project. Depending on its success, Dasheri mangoes could become more widely available in Europe in the future.

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