Sale of Bharat rice Begins in Chennai,Tamil Nadu

In an exciting development for rice enthusiasts and households across Chennai, the National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India (NAFED) and the National Cooperative Consumers’ Federation of India (NCCF) have joined hands to kickstart the retail sale of the much-anticipated Bharat Rice.

This venture, operating under the Ministry of Agriculture and the Ministry of Food and Consumer Affairs, is set to revolutionize the culinary scene in Tamil Nadu.

A Closer Look at the Initiative:

With an allocation of 22,000 metric tons (MT) of rice earmarked for Tamil Nadu, the National Cooperative Consumers’ Federation of India (NCCF) steps up to sell 10,000 MT of Bharat rice. To facilitate easy access, two vans stationed at strategic locations – one near the NCCF office at Thousand Light and another in Anna Nagar – offer consumers the opportunity to purchase 5 kg and 10 kg packs at an attractive price of Rs. 29 per kg.

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Expanding Reach and Offerings:

The NCCF’s efforts extend beyond rice, with previous endeavors including the sale of “Bharat atta” at Rs. 27.5 per kg and “Bharat Chana dal” at Rs. 60 per kg. Plans are underway to widen the initiative’s footprint to cover 25 to 26 districts across the state, ensuring that the benefits of affordable essentials reach far and wide.

Quality Assurance from Source to Shelf:

Sourced from central warehouses managed by the Food Corporation of India, the rice undergoes meticulous processing by the NCCF before being packaged into convenient 5 kg and 10 kg packs. Recognizing the importance of maintaining consumer trust, the NCCF is exploring avenues to collaborate with popular retail market brands in Chennai, further ensuring the accessibility and reliability of Bharat rice.

A Call for Collaborative Efforts:

In a bid to maximize outreach, the state cooperative department advocates for leveraging existing retail infrastructure to promote “Bharat Atta” and other essentials. By harnessing the collective strength of government agencies and retail partners, the initiative aims to address not just immediate affordability concerns but also foster long-term sustainability in the food supply chain.

Quality vs. Affordability Dilemma:

Industry insiders raise doubts about the relevance of the Bharat rice scheme, particularly in light of the prevailing retail prices of Ponni rice. With Ponni rice ranging from Rs. 46 to Rs. 60 per kg, critics argue that merely replicating the quality available in ration shops may not suffice to address inflationary pressures caused by higher-priced varieties. The success of Bharat rice hinges on its ability to match the quality standards set by private retail stores, thus ensuring consumer satisfaction and acceptance.

Understanding Tamil Nadu’s PDS Framework:

Tamil Nadu’s universal public distribution system plays a pivotal role in ensuring food security for its residents. With provisions for free rice distribution, each person is entitled to 5 kg of rice, with additional allocations for specific cardholders under schemes like Antyodaya Anna Yojana (AAY). The state’s monthly requirement of 3.5 lakh MT of rice underscores the magnitude of its PDS operations, with various allocations catering to priority and non-priority households.

Challenges and Considerations:

While the Bharat rice initiative aims to complement existing PDS efforts, officials highlight that there is no shortage of ration rice in the state. Approximately 70 to 75% of cardholders opt to purchase rice monthly, indicating a steady demand for subsidized grains. However, ensuring the success of Bharat rice necessitates careful calibration to meet consumer expectations while aligning with the state’s broader food security objectives.

Looking Ahead:

As Bharat rice makes its foray into Tamil Nadu’s culinary landscape, the journey ahead is fraught with challenges and opportunities. Balancing affordability with quality remains paramount, as does fostering consumer trust in government-backed initiatives. By addressing concerns raised by industry stakeholders and leveraging the existing PDS infrastructure, Bharat rice has the potential to emerge as a cornerstone of affordable nutrition for millions across the state.

In the ensuing discourse, stakeholders must collaborate to navigate the complexities of food distribution, ensuring equitable access to quality rice while safeguarding against inflationary pressures. Through strategic interventions and a commitment to consumer welfare, Bharat rice can carve a niche for itself, enriching the lives of Tamil Nadu’s residents one grain at a time.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Bharat Rice in Chennai, Tamil Nadu

1.What is Bharat rice?

Bharat rice is a new entrant in the rice market, introduced by the National Agricultural Cooperative Marketing Federation of India (NAFED) and the National Cooperative Consumers’ Federation of India (NCCF). It aims to provide affordable and quality rice to consumers in Chennai, Tamil Nadu.

2.How is Bharat rice different from other rice varieties?

Bharat rice stands out for its affordability and accessibility. It is being sold directly to consumers through specially designed vans at a price of Rs. 29 per kg, making it an attractive option for households seeking quality rice at reasonable prices.

3.Where can I buy Bharat rice in Chennai?

Bharat rice is available for purchase from vans stationed at specific locations in Chennai, including near the NCCF office at Thousand Light and another in Anna Nagar. These vans offer 5 kg and 10 kg packs of Bharat rice directly to consumers.

4.What are the packaging options for Bharat rice?

Bharat rice is packaged in 5 kg and 10 kg packs, catering to the diverse needs of households. The packaging ensures convenience and freshness, making it easy for consumers to store and use the rice as needed.

5.Is Bharat rice subsidized?

Bharat rice is being sold at a price of Rs. 29 per kg, which is considered affordable compared to the current retail prices of other rice varieties. While it may not be directly subsidized, the aim of the initiative is to offer rice at a reasonable rate to consumers.

6.How does Bharat rice contribute to the local economy and agriculture?

Bharat rice supports local farmers and agricultural practices by sourcing rice from central warehouses owned by the Food Corporation of India. This collaboration creates employment opportunities and contributes to the overall economy of Tamil Nadu.

7.Are there plans to expand the availability of Bharat rice to other districts in Tamil Nadu?

Yes, there are plans to extend the coverage of Bharat rice to 25 to 26 districts across Tamil Nadu. The initiative aims to reach a wider audience and make Bharat rice accessible to more consumers across the state.

8.Can I find Bharat rice in retail stores?

Efforts are underway to explore options for selling Bharat rice through popular retail market brands in Chennai. This would further enhance the accessibility and availability of Bharat rice to consumers in the city.

Kendriya Bhandar Bharat Rice Details

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11 thoughts on “Sale of Bharat rice Begins in Chennai,Tamil Nadu”

  1. Why your department not providing seller details, or , area level sale persons contact details in public media, i.e. regional news papers. Public are blind in knowing the availability of bharat rice in their areas.

  2. I am unable to get Bharat Rice. While Government is making so many announcements, regional NAFED authorities to publish a list of areas that will be serviced in that day with location. I have been trying to buy, by all my efforts are in vain.


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